The information contained in this website is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be nor should be construed as a substitute for treatment by a health care professional. Because of the individual needs of each person, always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider prior to starting any new treatment or with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Nothing contained in this website is intended to be used by you for medical diagnosis or treatment. Every reasonable effort has been made to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information presented on this web site, but we make no guarantee or promise, express or implied, as to the accuracy or reliability of the information presented. This information is subject to change without notice and cannot be guaranteed to be current.
Traumatic Injury
With an average of 330 days of sunshine per year, being active and outdoors is part of the reason many of us love living in the Valley. At times, energetic lifestyles lead to unexpected injuries. SEA physicians are specialized to treat traumatic injuries.
Your Medical Team
Scottsdale Emergency Associates and the staff of Scottsdale Healthcare are the teams that meet patients’ needs front and center. Excellence in emergency care and exceeding our patients expectations are our number one concerns.
Pediatric Fever
One moment your baby is playing happily, the next, he or she has that glassy-eyed stare, the flushed red cheeks: your baby has a fever.
Measles is a highly contagious virus that typically resides in the nose and throat of infected individuals and is passed via airborne transmission. According to the CDC (link) the 2015 measles outbreak has resulted in 102 cases (7 in Arizona) in January alone.
Welcome, Winter Visitors
We are so glad that you have come to the Valley of the Sun to share your winter with us. While the beautiful weather may bring you comfort, we also realize that being away from home and not having access to your established doctors when you are sick can be disconcerting.
Viral Respiratory Illness
Viruses that cause respiratory illness are most active from November through May however they can occur at any time. One of the most common viruses related to respiratory complications in children is Respiratory Synchcytial Virus (RSV) and is a leading cause of bronchiolitis.
Flu Season
The seasonal flu is a contagious respiratory illness that affects 5-20% of US residents annually. Most cases of flu run their course associated fever, cough, sore throat, body aches and fatigue in five to seven days without a need for medical intervention.
Summer Water Safety
Desert summers are hot and there is nothing quite as fun or intriguing to children than cooling off in a splash of water. Keep in mind that all types of contained water can be drowning hazards.
Insect Bites and Stings
Although most insect bites and stings result in a local reaction without other complications, any or all of the following insects produce venom that can result in severe reactions constituting a medical emergency.
As a group of individuals interested in the adventures that active lives can offer SEA physicians have experienced unexpected falls or collisions and understand that these traumatic injuries have an immediate impact on patients’ lives.
Former SEA Scribe Finds His Calling
Scottsdale Emergency Associates is constantly inspired by our talented pool of scribes that are active in the medical community locally and abroad.